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Business in China,your responsabilities

As individuals we usually do not have much impact on the global scale (fortunately).

The impact we can have locally is where we can have real understanding of our actions and their consequences.

The Improvement in Chinese economy in the last 40 years came with an extreme pragmatic approach to business. Sometimes, in a way that is not aligned with our current values , the cost being paid by individual and their environment

We can’t impose our views but we have a moral obligation to respect our own standard when doing business.

To create a sustainable network, we have to:

-Know How our production impacts the environment.

-Know How our production impacts employees Health & Safety

To achieve this, we can’t be blindfolded, accept blank statement, be satisfied by a certificate.

We need to have eyes on production and its surrounding.

That’s where QCC intervene, obviously, we provide quality control services, we also provide a truthful conversation about and with your supplier regarding your expectations .We will help engage communications for impactful change and we will help you choose a supplier who shares and cares about your goals.

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