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Wire ,international payment scam > HOW TO AVOID

Scams are common and phishing already quite known.

More elaborate frauds are becoming widely spread.

Some hackers are ready to spend some time and ressources to get their reward.

After gaining acces to your system,they stay dormant for days,week, month, observing your communications.

They are waiting for your company to pay the supplier.

Their time is not wasted,they create a domain ,similar to your supplier's,get familiar with your interlocutor's wording, gather logo,templates ,contacts.

When the time as come,they'll send you a warm message regarding some change needed regarding paimennt bank account. It will be impossible to differentiate from your usual contact.

To prevent this kind of issues:

-consider that any discussion relative to change in the term of paiement or delivery address is suspect ,until proven otherwise.

-If some request are suspect verify sender full mail domain name

-Require a phone conversation at minimum before considering any necessity for change.

-Impose pictures or videos requirement ,any recordable evidence that would link the request to an identity.

Finally,stay on your toes,criminals think about your security as hard (if not more) as your IT Department!

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