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Inspections services


1/ Initial Production Check

Our inspectors unit performs on your production platform to ensure the quality of your product and the enforcing of your specifications with a report.


Potential risks:
• The factory doesn’t have the capacity and the necessary resources to respond to your request
• Raw material quality and/or quantity issues
• Outsourcing of the supplier to another supplier with poor quality criteria
• Environnemental and social standards non-compliance


Informed a week ahead about the inspection day, we commit to report the details of the situation of your production within the inspection day or the following day.
A real-time control is also possible with photos, videos and more.


Regular inspector: 280 $ / day
French/English-speaking foreign inspector: 280 $ / day + accommodation and transportation fees

quality control initial control

2/ During Production Check

Our inspection unit checks the production process and quality before informing you about the real situation and potential issues your production might face. In order to take proactive actions, we use the standard internationally recognized ISO 2859-1 statistical sampling procedure and European
standards or your own personal specifications.


Potential risks:

• Lack of comprehension of your specifications from the supplier
• Delivery delay because of non-receipt or non-compliance of raw material or lacking production capacity
• Delivery delay or purchase order cancellation due to a lack of quality during the product manufacture


Informed a week ahead about the inspection day, we commit to report the details of the situation of your production within the inspection day or the following day.

A real-time control is also possible with photos, videos and more.


Regular inspector: 280 $ / day
French/English-speaking foreign inspector: 280 $ / day + accommodation and transportation fees

Inside a garment factory in china

3/ Pre-Shipment Inspection

In accordance with your specifications (quality, weight, size...), our inspectors check your production one last time before reporting the situation to you.


Potential risks:

• Non-compliant merchandise: quality, security, dimensions, colors, packaging, labelling…
• Insufficient quantity


Informed a week ahead about the inspection day, we commit to report the details of the situation of your production within the inspection day or the following day.
A real-time control is also possible with photos, videos and more.


Regular inspector: 280 $ / day
French/English-speaking foreign inspector: 280 $ / day + accommodation and transportation fees

shipment control quality

Monitoring the whole production cycle

From raw material and suppliers searching to the last merchandise container closing, supports you. Price negotiation, samples validation, supplier monitoring, contact with the loader, we make the link between your company and the supplier

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